Sunday, August 1, 2010

Would black fingernail polish look good with my outfit?

i'm going out dancing for my 21st birthday this saturday and i was wondering if black fingernail polish would look good with my outfit. i'm going to wear a royal plum colored shirt, nice fitting jeans, black cowboy boots, those circle with a hole in the middle black plastic earrings and a graduated black plastic bead necklace. mom said i should wear purple but i completely disagree with that. what do you all think?Would black fingernail polish look good with my outfit?
yes because your necklace is black and ur other accessories. Also HaPpY bIrThDaY to u♥Would black fingernail polish look good with my outfit?
sure that will look fine.
it would be too much black. pick out a color on your shirt or on your earings or something and use it as your nail polish color. so other colors will stick out =]
that would look great!

definately wear black!!!
Yayy, black nail polish is classic and plus it goes with anything that you wear. Your outfit sounds cute, and the balck nail polish with definately work!
ya black would, go, but since its your birthday you should wesr the purple, the black is to dark, and not fun for abirthday, so i say go with the purple!

Happy Birthday!!!
YES! That sounds so CUTE! (I might have to steal that outfit!lol)
Black nail polish looks good with everything
get a maroon or violet! blacks depressing plus its hard to take off black nail polish it kinda stains your skin
ya black definitely:)
black nail polish would be nice! :]
i agree with you, all of you accessories are black so black nail polish would be perfect! :]
black polish is a DEFINATE yes!!!

i think that black would look really cute. especially if your nails are long(:
definatly black...... its hot!! LOL! it sucks, i'm not allowed to wear it.....
black. the purple would be too boring since it matches your dress.
black would really awesome

Happy Birthday!
I'm with your mom and the purple but not dark or ugly purple something medium. But I should tell you I personally hate black nail polish .

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