Sunday, August 1, 2010

How do I get fingernail polish out of carpet?

I just spilled nail polish on my carpet.. HOW DO I GET IT OUT?!

10 points!How do I get fingernail polish out of carpet?
oooh toughie.

try to get as much of it out with nail polish remover,

but this will not work well if the nail polish if fairly harened.

the other way is to cut a bit of the top off, just so the part with the nail

polish gets cut off

gooodluckHow do I get fingernail polish out of carpet?
If it's light carpet, it's ok to use acetone polish remover.

If you have dark carpet, I would NOT advise it, because it will lighten the carpet making it 10 times more noticeable.

What we did when moving out of base housing (with super strict housing inspections) we were able to get on the floor (must be at eye level) and clip away the pieces where the fingernail polish was with toenail clippers. Worked like a charm.
nail varnish remover - try one with acetone, and let it soak in.

Is it a large area, if its only dotted then you could trim the carpet with scissors but do not do this if its a large area.

If that don't work try paint thinner - white spirits.

good luck
did you try finger nail polish remover? try and do it while its still wet and if that doesn't work i usually do baking soda and rubbing alcohol should get it up
Fingernail Polish remover. If you have a darker carpet, though, it might lighten the area.
WARNING use a non acetone finger nail polish remover the other is to harsh for your carpet I went through the very same thing Just today! my 3 year old did it! good luck
Try a little nail polish remover

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